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Author Topic: set of pipe generator. Possible or not and how too?  (Read 7622 times)


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set of pipe generator. Possible or not and how too?
« on: May 26, 2015, 12:26:56 PM »
I failed to find a 3ds max script to generate building pipes according to a volume box. So I'm wondering if it can be achieve with railcone. I found this video but unfortunately there is no tutorial and it works only with one pipe at a time. :

Paul Roberts

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Re: set of pipe generator. Possible or not and how too?
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2015, 06:09:10 PM »

RailClone needs either a spline or a linear dimension to create procedural geometry so I'm afraid it is not possible to use it to fill a Volume. If however you could use a script to generate splines inside a volume (perhaps using a particle system) then you could certainly use RailClone to add the geometry to these paths. If the splines are animated then the RailClone object would animate too. I'm afraid due to our support policy I can't solve specific cases for RailClone Lite in this forum. Of course, other users are more than welcome to help you and reply here. That said, this is an interesting question and may well make it into a future tutorial once we've run a few tests.

Many thanks for understanding,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software