Itoo Software Forum

Author Topic: Help needed : How to create a facade of wooden batten with window and slope  (Read 3105 times)


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Hello here,

I have to create a facade of wooden batten (piece of wood, section L : 4cm x l : 4cm x height) on a surface merged from Sketchup. So I have all the surfaces of the walls who needs to have brackets on it, but I can't find a solution to use RC on it, and also create the window holes and the roof slopes.

I take a look into the RC documentation, I found tutorials wich could give an answer with clipping area but in this case I have to retrace all the splines for all the walls, and I have a lot others like this. I though it must be something with the segment applied on a surface (so I can pick all my walls from Sketchup) but I couldn't find a way to resolve the situation.

If someone as any tricks, it would be grateful.

Here is some exemple of my 3D, on the left just a diffuse maps of the desired result, on the middle the surface from Sketchup, and on the right the result with polys, but unchangeable...

Thank you,



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Paul Roberts

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Hi Hervé,

Thanks for contacting us. At the moment I'm afraid RailClone can't generate an array based solely on a surface. As you've mentioned you can however use a clipping spline to automatically generate the size of an array and remove the window apertures. To create these splines you might find the following steps help speed things up:

If each facade is a single multi sided polygon:
* Go to Polygon sub object level
* Select a facade
* Convert the face selection to edges by holding down Ctrl and clicking on Edge mode

* Click Create Shape from Selection and set the Shape Type to Linear

You should now have a boundary spline

If a facade is made from more than one poly you need to follow a slightly different procedure to generate the boundary splines.
* Go to Polygon sub object level
* Turn on Selection > By Angle to easily pick all the polygons on a facade
* Select a facade
* From the Ribbon tools hold down Shift and click Modify Selection > Outline

* Click Create Shape from Selection and set the Shape Type to Linear

You may also find the on Clipping Splines chapter from our Next Steps with RailClone guide helpful.

I hope that helps, please let me know if you have further questions.

Many thanks,

« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 06:31:08 PM by Paul Roberts »
Paul Roberts
iToo Software


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Hi Paul,

Thanks for your help, I'll try your solution when I have some time for it. But it seams a little bit complicated for my work because I have something like 50 different walls who needs to have wooden battens on it, so this could be use a lot of time.

I'll post the result here when I try your solution.

