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Author Topic: Array and clipping area  (Read 20101 times)


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Array and clipping area
« on: October 09, 2024, 10:26:58 AM »
Hello, is there any possibilities for my rc array (a) could be only visible in the area "b"?

thank you

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Array and clipping area
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2024, 10:32:39 AM »

You can manually position it where you need to and then apply the clipping operation in the following way:
  • Enter a value in Properties > Geometry > Y Size to create an array large enough to cover the area.
  • Move the entire RC object over the clipping spline so that the lights are positioned where you would like them and enable Free Object from the Style rollout.
  • Open the Base Objects rollout and select the clipping spline from the scene to update the clipping operation.
I hope that helps if anything needs clarifying or you need further assistance please let me know.

Best regards,


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Re: Array and clipping area
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2024, 10:48:02 PM »
hello, thank you for your reply.

I did manage something, more cheap and dirty than academic.

I have 440x4400mm case (A)  to distribute with 70mm of space in between X & Y

Linear spline for the path and close spline for the clipping area (1). Solution is more or less ok but i need to create a three block object (B)

But, to be more flexible i thought i can do an array (2)... which i did.

1) 70mm space in between on X each is pretty easy to make it work
2) impossible to manage 70mm space in between on Y
3) how can i make the array's objects follow the wished spline (W)

any tips would be great

have anice week end

« Last Edit: October 19, 2024, 11:05:18 PM by djibvongenf »


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Re: Array and clipping area
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2024, 11:22:47 AM »
small update

Array extend X/Y space between objects is respected but not following the wished curve (cyan)

Array spline in X, space between object is respected but object size is not, Mode Tile, adaptive, i don't even understand why there is 0 to 100% value since it does not change anything. I don't get it, why the distribution cannot start on the left and end on the right with cropped object.

"RailClone is a parametric modelling and spline-cloning plugin for 3ds Max. Aimed at making asset creation more artist-friendly."

When you said artist-friendly, does your artist have between a 140 & 172 iq and knows arithmetic has nothing to do with a mucus condition ?


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Re: Array and clipping area
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2024, 01:46:53 PM »
different approach (base on tutorial, how to create something complicated instead of something simple to start)

X spline path
y spline profile
spline for clipping area

simple object
tile-adaptive etc..

result different but still wrong, im amazed, playing with this for 2 hours, connecting nodes, cut the source object in different parts...

doing the job manually like "artist friendly", visually correct. time spend 20 minutes. Doing the job in autocad and export dwg 6 minutes.

But I still haven't found what im looking for and, above all, a client asking me to paint ivy on walls.