Hi, in Forest 6 we included a new memory management system, much more efficient to handle large distributions (> 1 Mill. items)
Although it was working well for huge distributions, we noticed as result of this thread, that performance for small/medium distributions was worse than FP5.
Therefore, we added some changes in
FP 6.1.3 beta to improve it. Now painting lag should be much less noticable.
Anyway, please note that unlike other plugins, Forest paint areas are parametric: you can change any parameter to adjust the distribution, but preserving the paint area.
So, it's unavoidable that some lags exists when painting large areas, because the full distribution must be rebuilt with each paint stroke.
If you need to paint huge areas, i would suggest to create separated Forest objects for smaller zones.
Once completed, just convert each paint area to a spline, and attach all splines in an unique Forest object.
I hope that helps.