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Forest Pro (*) / Re: Vraydistancetex used as mask for displacement - not working
« Last post by steve3duk on April 15, 2024, 01:17:09 PM »
In such a case, if possible, please feel free to send us your scene (ideally simplified and containing just this problematic object(s)). Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Hi. I'm sending now via wetransfer. I've minimalised the scene as much as possible but the displacement maps remain in place.

In such a case, if possible, please feel free to send us your scene (ideally simplified and containing just this problematic object(s)). Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Forest Pro (*) / Re: Vraydistancetex used as mask for displacement - not working
« Last post by steve3duk on April 15, 2024, 11:44:42 AM »
Thanks. This seems to have resolved the issue with the vraydistancetex but now I have items floating above the ground level further away which weren't floating when using the standard follow displacement (Vray ) effect.

RailClone Pro Beta / Re: Change the RC Icon in future versions?
« Last post by Michal Karmazín on April 15, 2024, 09:18:38 AM »

Thanks for your suggestion. First, let me mention that using the RailClone Lister, which displays several handy details of each RailClone object in the scene and allows you to change the display and proxy modes without having to select these objects, would be highly recommendable. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that several users would like to have the icon placed somewhere in the scene. We have added your suggestion to the wish list, and we will evaluate its implementation for future releases.

Best regards,

Please try using the attached version of such an Effect - it's using fpItem.position instead of fpItem.distUVW. I hope that helps.

Best regards,
RailClone Pro Beta / Change the RC Icon in future versions?
« Last post by BK8837 on April 15, 2024, 07:50:37 AM »
Hi Itoo Dev Team,
I would like to have the option to change the RC icon to an image of the Array in viewport, or typed in text. I would also like the option of having the icon ON all times (with a toggle). This will make easier to see all RC's in the viewport.

Thank you.
Forest Pro (*) / Re: Vraydistancetex used as mask for displacement - not working
« Last post by steve3duk on April 15, 2024, 12:22:07 AM »
Here is an example of one of the masks used in the composite for the displacement.

Forest Pro (*) / Re: Vraydistancetex used as mask for displacement - not working
« Last post by steve3duk on April 14, 2024, 11:41:02 PM »
I've just found this topic. I'm guessing this is the same issue. I've made sure that the forest object is set to 0,0, already was, so I still have the problem.*)/follow-disp-surf-not-working-with-vray-distance-tex/
Forest Pro (*) / Vraydistancetex used as mask for displacement - not working
« Last post by steve3duk on April 14, 2024, 11:36:24 PM »
I'm using the above setup. I have a composite displacement map with multiple displacements affecting different areas of a fairly large terrain.

I also have a road going through the terrain. I'm using vraydistancetex to graduate the ground displacement up to the road. This works with the displacement but the effect - follow displace surface (vray) is not working completely. When I use the vraydistancetex as a mask it is looking like it is completely ignored.

Any ideas why this is happening? Is it because it is only a render time effect? Would there be another way of doing this?

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