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Forest Pro beta / Re: License
« Last post by Bobby Parker on May 28, 2024, 10:08:40 PM »
I got it. I had to activate it again, although it said it was activated.
Forest Pro beta / License
« Last post by Bobby Parker on May 28, 2024, 09:48:43 PM »
How do I activate a beta? My license is active, working, but I can't use the beta version.
RailClone Pro (*) / Re: Wooden fence randomize
« Last post by Ricousto on May 28, 2024, 06:21:15 PM »

I have the same problem as NHimages.
Is it a way to do this kind of wooden fence ?
The biggest problem for me is the cable around each post, which are themselves random.


I'm trying to create a wooden fence with a randomize to avoid repetition between all the spikes.
My problem is that the cable that holds all theses spikes don't follow this randomize, so, is there a way to make the cable fit with the wooden spike like a node that connects both spike and cable ?
In attachments you can find all the infos about what I'm trying to make, and the 3D file with the RC.
Thx for your answer,

Forest Pro beta / Re: FPIvy animation
« Last post by RealViz on May 28, 2024, 04:28:28 PM »
Thank you, somehow I didn't realize that animating differently rotated leaves doesn't actually matter if they all rotate the same. :-)
Forest Pro (*) / Re: Small glitch in Beta 9.0.0 installation program
« Last post by Michal Karmazín on May 28, 2024, 03:16:32 PM »
Hi Joris,

Thank you for reporting it. We will address it in the next update.

Best regards,
Forest Pro (*) / Small glitch in Beta 9.0.0 installation program
« Last post by Jorish on May 28, 2024, 03:07:19 PM »
See screenshot. The 3ds Max 2025 installation is named 2024. Hovering over the installation states it is the 2025 version.
Forest Pro beta / Re: FPIvy animation
« Last post by iToo on May 28, 2024, 12:04:28 PM »

It's possible to animate leaves parameters to simulate small movement (as Rotation).
But we just noticed Ivy object is not properly updated on viewport and render sequences. We'll fix that.

On the other hand, to simulate growing, you can animate 'Growth Level' and 'BaseLine' parameters. But it may require some trial and error to get smooth results.
It also works better with high values of Growth->Segments (shorter branch segments), because it's not possible to animate the growth of each branch segment.

Forest Pro beta / Re: iToo Portable
« Last post by RealViz on May 28, 2024, 11:26:30 AM »
Thanks for the explanation!
Forest Pro beta / Re: iToo Portable
« Last post by iToo on May 28, 2024, 11:16:16 AM »

Basically we created the iToo Portable format as an internal tool, to solve the problem of compatibility between 3DS Max versions.

As developers, Autodesk provide us licenses for the latest Max release, and five versions before (currently Max 2020 to 2025).
That means we have not a simple way to create libraries for older Max versions (and many FP/RC customers use them).

You can export and import to .fp from File->Export/Import, selecting 'Forest Pack (.fp)' format.
But currently it works only for ForestIvy, and embedded geometry in raw format (vertices, faces, UV coords, etc).
In the future we want use portable format also for Forest objects, but this will take time because FP objects are much more complex than ForestIvy.

Regarding material libraries (.pmat), it works as a direct translator of parameters from materials and textures.
But it has many limitations, because some materials store their data in private structures, not standard 3DS Max parameters.
In fact, we had to adapt some of our ForestIvy materials to bypass this limitation.

The tool to create .pmat files is not available to users. But you can import a ForestIvy from the library, and get the material from the object.
Also it's possible to export ForestIvy using .pmat (using Library Browser->'Import object from scene').

In summary: for your own libraries, we suggest to use the 3DS Max format, so all geometries and materials are properly supported.
There is not any restriction to use the portable format. But as said, currently it has many limitations, and in their current state we cannot provide support (except for our own libraries).

Forest Pro beta / FPIvy animation
« Last post by RealViz on May 28, 2024, 10:45:11 AM »
do you foresee any animation options for FPIvy? The growth itself is probably quite complicated technologically (due to the hand drawing), but small movements of the leaves would definitely help a lot in animations.
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