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Forest Pro beta / Hanging Ivy
« Last post by amitgedia on May 26, 2024, 03:49:24 PM »
Hi All,
If we want to make the Ivy hanging from a roof or a gazebo how to do it with Forest Ivy.
Thank you in advance
Forest Pro (*) / Viewport different to render
« Last post by PI7013 on May 26, 2024, 03:12:50 PM »
I just opened a scene made with max 2023 and FP8 and the forest objects look as expected in the viewport but when it is rendered the forest objects render much bigger than what they are supposed to be.
Attached to this post is a screen shot of the viewport and a screen shot of the render.
Let me know if you need a file
Forest Pro beta / Re: Crash Forest Pro 9 Beta and 3ds Max 2025
« Last post by Tehamnes on May 26, 2024, 09:25:00 AM »
Crash for me as well FP in max 2024. FYI: no Arnold installed.
Forest Pro (*) / Make grass for 15x15km terrain using visible range?
« Last post by ZO6039 on May 26, 2024, 04:36:07 AM »
Is there a way to make ForestPack grass for very big terrain (15x15 km), but grass could be visible within some range from 360 degrees camera? I often use the same big terrain plane with displacement map on which I have trees, bushes, shrubs and grass. And for my scenes I just put camera in different locations on terrain. Everything works fine with trees and bushes for such a big terrain. But I am having a problem to make setup for grass which would work fine for any place on terrain. If I use this big terrain as the surface for ForestPack then there are too many grass objects have to be generated initially to whom camera visibility limit or spline limit is applied. But if I render spherical camera with 360 degrees field of view then I need just a radius or range of visibility from camera. The only solution for me to make grass for every camera on terrain is making a duplicate terrain and cut a radius of terrain around camera, and use this small part of terrain as the hidden geometry for ForestPack grass surface. But if I have multiple cameras on terrain then I need to create multiple grass terrains with small range around camera. So, my question is next. Is it possible to make only one ForestPack grass setup which would work without problem for very big terrain within some range from camera, no matter where the camera is on terrain or for multiple cameras?
Forest Pro beta / Re: Icon and Points Cloud
« Last post by CharlyRT on May 25, 2024, 06:02:22 PM »
Sorry for the confussion, what I meant was

-to have the icon for ForestIvy instead of LOD in the toolbar
I cannot delete the icons for the toolbar, each time that 3ds max restart the icons reappear, this happened in previous version as well

-theres something going on with Library Browser, this happened in previous versions too, I cannot use the icons for the Presets, sometimes it sends me to Forest Library root or does nothing

-for the Point Cloud display Im using 3ds Max 2025.1
Forest Pro beta / Re: ForestIvy Library Error when set to Automatic Mtl
« Last post by iToo on May 25, 2024, 10:30:25 AM »
Thanks for reporting it.

This is a placeholder for Scanline materials, but we haven't decided yet if it's worth creating them.
In any case, we'll improve that warning message.
Forest Pro beta / Re: Crash Forest Pro 9 Beta and 3ds Max 2025
« Last post by iToo on May 25, 2024, 10:24:41 AM »
Crash seems caused by an incompatibility with the Arnold libraries.
I noticed of it while development, and theorically was fixed. But obviously not in all cases.

Unfortunately there is not a workaround. We'll check it.

Forest Pro beta / Re: ETA Forest Pro 9 Beta and 3ds Max 2025
« Last post by iToo on May 25, 2024, 10:16:01 AM »
Could we have a Forest Ivy Icon instead LOD?

Sorry, i don't understand. There are different icons for ForestLOD and ForestIvy.

Ivy Display as Point Cloud isnt working, leaving at 1% local and globally its stays like 50%

I cannot reproduce this. Both Local and Global work fine for me.
What Max version ?

Forest Pro (*) / Re: ETA Forest Pro 9 Beta and 3ds Max 2025
« Last post by iToo on May 25, 2024, 10:07:17 AM »
Ivy generator looks really awesome!! Nice to play with. I have to look more into it. Try custom leaves and so on.

But will you share other changes in Forest Pack itself so we can test it? Or is the ivy generator the only changeM Thank you.

There are many changes and improvements to the Forest plugin as well, it's not only ForestIvy.
You can check them in the release notes.

Forest Pro (*) / Re: ETA Forest Pro 9 Beta and 3ds Max 2025
« Last post by iToo on May 25, 2024, 10:00:56 AM »
Thanks for your feedback. We're glad you enjoy ForestIvy !

I moved posts related to FP9 to the Beta forum
Please, post all issues and suggestions there.
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